Contact Tui
Email Us
Tui Trust (TSET): office@tuitrust.org.nz
Tui Events: events@tuitrust.org.nz
Tui wwoofing and live-in experiences: tuiwoofing@gmail.com
Enquire about a paying visitor stay.
Enquire about moving to Tui.
Find Us
Tui Community is located on the top of the South Island at 264 McShane Rd, Wainui Bay, Golden Bay.
To get here
from Takaka:
take Abel Tasman Drive towards Totaranui. Drive past Pohara, Ligar Bay and Tata Beach, over the Wainui Hill, all the way around Wainui Bay, then turn left into McShane Road (30min)
from Nelson:
drive or bus to Takaka (2.5 hrs)
from Wellington:
fly into Takaka on Golden Bay Air
ferry to Picton on InterIslander or Blue Bridge (2-3 hrs), then connect by bus to Nelson, then bus from Nelson to Takaka
Catch a bus to Tui stopping at the Wainui Track Carpark on Golden Bay Coachlines.