Tui Children
Growing Up on Tui

We have a variety of ages here at Tui. Currently 10 children and teenagers, aged 5-17 live on Tui, some of them part-time.
Some Tui children attend the local primary and secondary school and a school bus picks them up from the gate. Other children are home/unschooled.
A node has been started to discuss and put into action some form of homeschooling and childcare programme on the land. This is in its beginning stages and more information may be available later on.
Some of the Tui children have something to say about what it's like growing up here or what they love about living at Tui... please read on to find out more!

Arriving at Tui as a young boy and an outsider was a new experience. When my family first arrived we were welcomed and treated well by all the different people here at Tui. People shared their tools, knowledge and experiences with each other to help each other grow and expand. Tui is also in a perfect location for kids of all ages, with the Bush and national park at the back of Tui for kids to explore, and the beach at the front for swims on hot days. I enjoyed growing up here and have learnt many things that I will carry with me throughout my life.



I like that Tui has lots of cool land with orchards and fruit, lots of awesome people that can help build things and is in a great location, close to the beach.
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
Khalil Gibran
I like that Tui has a cool location, has lots of land, and that the beach is really close.

I love Tuesday community dinners and hanging out often with the other kids. I know and trust everybody here, and I love the neighbourly aid and sense of community that means you can borrow things when you need. It's great being close to the beach and we have a swimming hole when it's hot!
A downside is being far from town friends and after school activities can be tricky to arrange lifts for.

I love EVERYONE at Tui!
I love the bush walks, the trampoline, the sea swims, the swimming hole, all my friends, and having both my parents living so close to each other. I also love the fruit in the orchard and the macadamias.

It takes a village to raise a child.